This traditional Ukrainian halushki recipe consists of tender dumplings tossed with crispy bacon and sautéed mushrooms and onions. The epitome of Eastern...
This Ground Beef Casserole Recipe is super easy to make with pasta noodles smothered in a rich and creamy tomato sauce and topped with cheese. The ingredients...
Trying to get more vegetables in your diet? Try this vegetarian one pot meal of pulao. Use the vegetables that you like most, like peas, potatoes, and...
Everybody loves this delicious crock pot beef stew with tender meat and vegetables. This smaller recipe is ideal for a small household or is quickly doubled...
Asian turkey lettuce wraps are packed with tender meat and seasoned, crunchy veggies. These light and tasty wraps are the perfect healthy appetizer or...
Baked chicken thighs in Asian sauce is the easiest and most flavorful chicken dinner. There is so much flavor in this Asian sauce, this will be your favorite...
Creamy Lemon Chicken Pasta with Basil & Peas. This creamy ONE pot pasta loaded with chicken, basil and peas can be ready, from prep to finish, in 30 minutes...
Easy Stuffed Pepper Casserole takes classic stuffed pepper ingredients like rice, ground meat, tomato and cheese and turns them into a healthy one pot...
This classic roast beef recipe uses fresh rosemary and garlic to create tender beef slow roasted in the oven that's cooked to a perfect medium rare with...
Instructions for how to pan sear the ultimate flank steak. Whether you marinate or use a simple seasoning this recipe for cooking flank steak on the stove...
This simple, hearty, vegetarian shepherd's pie is packed full of healthy vegetables and lentils. Omit the Worcestershire sauce and Parmesan to make it...
These Grilled Steak Fajitas are the perfect departure from burgers and hot dogs for simmer grilling. Marinated in the morning, throw on the grill with...
Celebrating one of Germany's most famous "superfoods", Sauerkraut, this wonderful soup is satisfying to both tummy and soul. The combination of tangy sauerkraut,...